Friday, 22 January 2016

logo progress

Photo 1

Starting with a sketch from the original logo, I sketch out how it would look in front view. I also try sketching different types from the original but I decide to maintain it because I want to keep some of the originality of the logo. 

Picture 1

Picture 2

When designing a new logo, I decided to maintain its outer circular shape. With my reference of the original logo to the top right, I used the pen tool to freely draw the face of the logo. By estimating how the sailor would look like in a front view perspective, I would think the chin or mustache would ruin the logo also adding the chin would look like Popeye which would subject to copyright laws. Instead I decided to ake the sailor younger looking.

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

I then continue with detailing the new sailor starting from his cloths, when that is done I used the duplicate and reflect option, I then alight the copied side to the original side using the ruler. But, I notice it gives me odd shape on the head so I deleted the top of them both. So, I created a sailor hat separately tracing it with pen tool and drawing it as an individual object

Picture 7

Finally, I added the details of the logo like the eyes, hair, mouth and nose . I also changed the nose and mouth a bit to give it a more funny look. Then I added colors of the cloth and background according to the logo. However, this is not a finalized colors and modifications . It will be assessed by my lecturer and criticized by my fellow peers first before I actually finalize it.

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