Tuesday 18 April 2017

Cropping Photos

 After taking the pictures, I then used Photoshop to crop the pictures in rule of thirds and 1 : 1 ratio. Of course, I create a separate folder so that I do not mistakenly  modify the original photo.

What is the Rule of thirds 

It is basically the rule of thumb used in both photography and video production. Every image can be divided into nine equal parts using two equally-spaced horizontal and vertical lines. By positioning elements of an image onto the intersections of these lines, you can create a more interesting and visually pleasing shots. You'll see it used on photos of people, places, and things, and even on film and TV.

Figure 1
Figure 2

I adjusted the crop box accordingly to areas that are more interesting. Giving it some focus on the picture. Once satisfied, I then crop and save the pictures. The process repeats until I have an arsenal of textures to choose from.

Figure 3
 Figure 4

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