Monday 24 March 2014

presentation critics(academic skils)

Blog presentation

We had a blog presentation a few days ago, its mostly show and tell. Telling what you had learned during the activities and so on. We all took turns presenting and I admit I was a bit nervous. I try to keep it simple and short but it ended up pretty long. It took 2 sessions for all of us to finish presenting and we were asked to give critics on my fellow classmates.

Critics :


Good : He has confidence in presenting. He is pretty much alright in anything.

Bad   : Sometimes his voice tone would rise or fall, maybe he is trying to think of words or is not confident in his work.


Good : Good confidence, had monotonous tone and his works are very formal.

Bad   : Mumbles sometimes maybe trying to find words. 


Good : speaks in good confidence maybe because she has good experience (she advertise products in her work every weekend). A bit of body language.

Bad   : Sometimes stops to make up words and speak louder.


Good : Very confident although not very perfect English. Uses quite heavy English sometimes, explains a lot about a certain point too. Good tone, profession in presenting(probably she practiced a lot during her earlier years). Simple and easy work .VERY VERY FORMAL.

Bad    : Her English can be quite hard to understand for most people and because her main language is not English she uses a lot of Er, Erms and such to make up from being stuck and translate words in her mind. Speaks quite fast sometimes and speaking for a long long time in formal way can be Absolutely Boring(no offence).


Good  : Has more confidence than last time she presented. Lots of improvement.

Bad     : Nothing much to say really other than she is still has that shyness and  to speaking louder.


Good : Much  like Satish, she has a monotonous tone and good presentation skill. Able to quickly think up words even without her blog to support her.

Bad    : No comment

Xu Hui

Good : She is able to speak English although not prefect.

Bad   : She is way to shy and needs to speak English more. Doesn't speak much. 

Hui Xing

Good : Good English and able to present well.

Bad    : Still needs improvement and speaking more louder.

Critics for myself :
My nervousness causes me to stop sometimes. I prefer to be a casual presenter than a formal one because I feel that being formal may be boring to other people and vice verse. But, I will present formally if I have to (in business and such). Making people laugh is what I love to do.

Easily distracted by others. I had a habit of trying to make up words than follow what I have typed in the blog. I have a common trouble finding the right words to say which has been haunting me for a long time.

What I learned here: 
I always knew my weaknesses and try to eliminate it. Not everyone is perfect in presenting , it further helps us improve our presentation skills. 

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