Monday, 3 March 2014

Midpoint review for Writing for designers

· Develop skills in conceptual analysis and presentation .

>Not very sure about my analysis skills but I try my best to find important points.

>I usually try to make presentations interesting. Though, I get ahead of myself sometimes. 

· Undertake visual research to support ideas .

>Brainstorming ideas when looking at something visually

· Recognize how practices are pertinent to a wider cultural context .

>Knowing other cultures so its easier to work in a friendlier environment.

· Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conceptual analysis through discussion and in written form .

> Sharing anything I find interesting and valuable.

· Evaluate and use source materials .

>Using materials and recycling them whenever possible.

· Engage critically with the relevant body of knowledge .

> Doing things seriously if needed but I try not to make it too dull.

> Learning something by talking to others

· Work within a given time frame .

>Still not very good at this, but I still try to complete my tasks.

· Contribute to group activities, i.e. seminars, critiques etc .

>Giving opinions or ideas when possible.

> I try to help out friends who don't understand well.

>Talk and have fun within group activities.

· Work safely in studios and workshops with a knowledge and practical understanding of health and safety issue .

> Being careful of things that I use that may be hazardous to health.

> Using sharp tools, like knifes carefully.

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