In this activity we are to draw about whatever question we got.
Miss Nadyra had a few A3 sized paper, each has its own questions. We each picked one out and we had to draw our conclusions on the A3 paper.
Here are the results :
I got a question asking ''how would the security guard's snoring tell you what he is dreaming about ?''
My answer would be that he is dreaming about being surrounded by treasure and then he used all that money to get a food making machine(like the movie ''a chance with meatballs'') but the treasure was cursed so the pirate's soul will haunt him forever.
(Will be edited more soon)
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Monday, 24 March 2014
presentation critics(academic skils)
Blog presentation
Critics :
Good : He has confidence in presenting. He is pretty much alright in anything.
Bad : Sometimes his voice tone would rise or fall, maybe he is trying to think of words or is not confident in his work.
Good : Good confidence, had monotonous tone and his works are very formal.
Bad : Mumbles sometimes maybe trying to find words.
Good : speaks in good confidence maybe because she has good experience (she advertise products in her work every weekend). A bit of body language.
Bad : Sometimes stops to make up words and speak louder.
Good : Very confident although not very perfect English. Uses quite heavy English sometimes, explains a lot about a certain point too. Good tone, profession in presenting(probably she practiced a lot during her earlier years). Simple and easy work .VERY VERY FORMAL.
Bad : Her English can be quite hard to understand for most people and because her main language is not English she uses a lot of Er, Erms and such to make up from being stuck and translate words in her mind. Speaks quite fast sometimes and speaking for a long long time in formal way can be Absolutely Boring(no offence).
Good : Has more confidence than last time she presented. Lots of improvement.
Bad : Nothing much to say really other than she is still has that shyness and to speaking louder.
Good : Much like Satish, she has a monotonous tone and good presentation skill. Able to quickly think up words even without her blog to support her.
Bad : No comment
Xu Hui
Good : She is able to speak English although not prefect.
Bad : She is way to shy and needs to speak English more. Doesn't speak much.
Hui Xing
Good : Good English and able to present well.
Bad : Still needs improvement and speaking more louder.
Critics for myself :
My nervousness causes me to stop sometimes. I prefer to be a casual presenter than a formal one because I feel that being formal may be boring to other people and vice verse. But, I will present formally if I have to (in business and such). Making people laugh is what I love to do.
Easily distracted by others. I had a habit of trying to make up words than follow what I have typed in the blog. I have a common trouble finding the right words to say which has been haunting me for a long time.
What I learned here:
I always knew my weaknesses and try to eliminate it. Not everyone is perfect in presenting , it further helps us improve our presentation skills.
Friday, 14 March 2014
Academic Essay
Reflective Pratice
Task : Students are required to write an essay of their own understanding about individual creative and plagiarism with supporting material. The essay should be 750 words.
Creativity helps in many ways and everyone uses it in everyday in our world. Creativity is not only limited to art and design, even those who are doing economic business and even in military are using their creativity to create ideas and avoid situations. Example of military creativity is creating a home made bomb with only basic materials
Home made bomb using fuel and oil
Practicing helps in improving our talent on what ever we do. Whether it be cooking, drawing, writing or creating it all requires practice. Practice happens everyday in our life, we practice to improve and update ourselves the more we practice the more we get better at it. Researching is also a good practice and is essential because researching can help in our work as we explore and find new ideas. Self- Experimenting can be quite beneficial as it also improves our skill, as we experiment we might create something awesome without even thinking like making a stable paper chair.
Paper chair
As a design student, it is essential to practice improving our creativity. We use our creativity in our work, assignments and tasks. Also, having all the tools and materials prepared is always good. A handbook or sketchbook especially is essential to many designers. As we look around and think we may create ideas ,these ideas can be anything even if it is crazy because creativity has no limits .Sometimes ideas pop up anytime, anywhere with no warning and you will forget about it in a few minutes. Thats when sketchbooks come in, we can jot down our ideas in them so we can preserve them later.
Sketchbooks with sketches
Plagiarism however is a common bad habit that most of us humans have. Sadly, plagiarism happens everywhere everyday from books and articles to artworks. Creators like writers suffer plagiarism the most because many people are always finding content or information in internet articles and libraries. Even as we try our best to eliminate it, we cannot resist finding an easy way out. Plagiarism should not be practiced as it is deemed illegal and can be put to jail for such action. Mostly, we plagiarize because of our laziness ,out of ideas or even intentionally. Plagiarism involves copying someone else's work without the creators permission or giving credit and then making it your own, edited or not it is still a plagiarized content. Also, Plagiarism has no beneficial values as it only involves taking and not creating. It is an effortless attempt in order to complete a work easily by a simple copy and paste.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Academic Activities(Problem solving)
We had yet another activity, this time its a game of problem solving. Problems are written on paper and again we randomly choose a piece. As always, I was chosen as the 1st to start. We picked our pieces and explain what we would do to solve the problem. We were given a day to draw out our problem in an A3 sized paper.
Here are the results :
Reynard(me) :
1) what would you do if you saw a good friend shoplifting ?
Well, I said that I will tell him to put the stolen items back or else I will tell his parents
2)The cashier has given you RM 2.50 extra what do you do?
This is a funny one, Satish suggest that I slap the cashier and say do you know maths. But, I just said that i would kindly give it back. I liked Satish idea too so i drew a little about it. Lol
Satish :
1) Which part of the body fo you think is unique and creative?
He said the head because our brain is in it and we use it to create creative things
He drew a head with a brain in it(ewwwww) and text thats...maybe from google hahahaha
2)Let the next person give you a problem (This problem was given by me)
Problem : how do you design anything if you are blind?
He replied by using his hands to paint something
He painted a painting with his hand while his eyes are blindfolded. He said to have painted the table more than the paper.
1)how do you cross a lake without using your legs
She replied: by streching my legs like a rubber to cross the lake.
She drew few 2 more ideas too and I think her idea is a good one.
Alexi :
1)you cant or don't have 3D software, how do you make a 3D art?
She said she would use modelling clay to make it
She made a duck but she said she was suppose to make a cat but in the end it turned into a duck because of her inexperience.
Xu Hui :
1) How would you design if your laptop and other digital software is broken?
She replied that she would use her hands to draw.
She is damn good at it. Her artwork is indeed very nice.
Samira :
1)How would you snap pictures when your camera is broken :
She said that she would use her laptop webcam and scanner to take pictures.
She showed us pictures taken from her hostel using her laptop webcam
2)You have only RM1, how will you travel from Kuala Lumpur to Nilai?
She said she would walk(WOW) or hitch hike from Kuala Lumpur to Nilai.
She drew herself sexily hitch hiking a Ride.
Hui Xing :
How would you draw without your hands ?
She said she would use her mouth to draw
She dint bring her drawing but she demonstrated in class by drawing a pet dog from a Cartoon show named Shin chan
We had fun in this activity, it challenges us to find ways to solve our problem without relying on others. It helps us to think out of the box.
Heres some pictures of our drawings :

Academic activity ( story writing)
A week after the object and role play guessing, we had another activity. It was a story writing game this time, each of us will write down a word on a sheet of paper and fold it just enough to cover the word. Then, once all of us had written a word we had to take out a sheet of paper and write down the words that was written. After that we had to write a Funny story with the words given. we had only 5 minutes to write the story so we had to do it quick. Sadly, i dint complete mine in time so it was not funny
( i guess im bad with funny stories) and was disqualified. Oddly, Alexis and Satish was also disqualified
(top students) and we ended up being the judge on the next round.
The 2nd round was a story about scary stories, same as the 1st round the same rules apply. As judges we cant participate and we can only wait until the time is up. After 5 minutes ,we judges read the qualifiers story. Emily and Tommy were disqualified because their story was way too funny to be scary. Then only Samira, Aisha and Hui xing were left.
Emily and Tommy are the judges on the final round, this time it had to be a sad story and just like the 1st and 2nd we had to wait. Miss Nadyra notice that we look bored while waiting (maybe) so she started a little drawing game. We were to draw parts of body parts in turn folding it up, I did the shoes.
By then, the qualifies had finished drawing. Emily had trouble reading Samira's Doctor handwriting so I helped her read it. In the end, Aisha won as the her story was voted the sadest.

The Process of writing the words for the story

Picture of the drawing that we took turns to draw while waiting
A week after the object and role play guessing, we had another activity. It was a story writing game this time, each of us will write down a word on a sheet of paper and fold it just enough to cover the word. Then, once all of us had written a word we had to take out a sheet of paper and write down the words that was written. After that we had to write a Funny story with the words given. we had only 5 minutes to write the story so we had to do it quick. Sadly, i dint complete mine in time so it was not funny
( i guess im bad with funny stories) and was disqualified. Oddly, Alexis and Satish was also disqualified
(top students) and we ended up being the judge on the next round.
The 2nd round was a story about scary stories, same as the 1st round the same rules apply. As judges we cant participate and we can only wait until the time is up. After 5 minutes ,we judges read the qualifiers story. Emily and Tommy were disqualified because their story was way too funny to be scary. Then only Samira, Aisha and Hui xing were left.
Emily and Tommy are the judges on the final round, this time it had to be a sad story and just like the 1st and 2nd we had to wait. Miss Nadyra notice that we look bored while waiting (maybe) so she started a little drawing game. We were to draw parts of body parts in turn folding it up, I did the shoes.
By then, the qualifies had finished drawing. Emily had trouble reading Samira's Doctor handwriting so I helped her read it. In the end, Aisha won as the her story was voted the sadest.

The Process of writing the words for the story

Picture of the drawing that we took turns to draw while waiting
Academic skills activity ( guessing game and role playing)
We had a fun activity a 2 weeks ago, its a game of guessing and role playing. The 1st game was a object guessing game. Miss Nadyra wrote objects on pieces of paper an then folded it. Then each of us will take turns taking a piece and then describe about it without making it too obvious. The others will then try to guess what object I am describing. It was a fun experience, all of us were competing each other for the right answers. It was a little chaotic but quite funny. Me and Alexis took the first few questions and was on a rivalry spree but suddenly I fell behind. (probably because the rest of my classmates don't want me to win lol).
The game was fun it was mind challenging and it teaches us to be able to see the object with only descriptions. Also, it challenges us on how to describe a certain object creatively.
After we finished with the object guessing, we went on to Role playing. Like the object guessing Miss Nadyra had our names on the paper and we randomly picked the pieces . Then, each of us will have to act like the person that we had on the piece of paper. Of course, we would have to guess who we are acting as. Funny thing is ~ I seem to be everyone's target to go 1st. hahahaha
(Reynard(me)) : as Miss Nadyra
My act was quite easy , all I did was say *hai guys* but they took sometime guessing it.
Satish : as Mr Sukor
He acted Mr Sukor's walking style.
Aisha : acted as Satish
She acted by saying his motto which i dint understand which is *Dei thambi*
Alexi : as Xu Hui
She was going to do Xu Hui's act but in an instant Xu hui already knew it was herself.
Samira : as Miss Tiffany
Her act was a standing leaning look which Miss Tiffany usually does when we are doing our work at her class.
Emily : got herself
She was late and said *sorry miss im late* to Miss Nadyra and thats what she did when she acted.
Tommy : acted as Hui Xing
Im not clear on how he really acted though
Hui Xing : as Aisha
It was a bit messy so I dint know how she acted. =_=
Xu hui : as Tommy
Forgot how she acted . >.<
In the end, we had an extra few rounds and had quite the fun. I learned that other people have different personalities and we must understand that. We also had to understand other people have different options.
Monday, 3 March 2014
Midpoint review for Writing for designers
· Develop skills in conceptual analysis and presentation .
>Not very sure about my analysis skills but I try my best to find important points.
>I usually try to make presentations interesting. Though, I get ahead of myself sometimes.
· Undertake visual research to support ideas .
>Brainstorming ideas when looking at something visually
· Recognize how practices are pertinent to a wider cultural context .
>Knowing other cultures so its easier to work in a friendlier environment.
· Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conceptual analysis through discussion and in written form .
> Sharing anything I find interesting and valuable.
· Evaluate and use source materials .
>Using materials and recycling them whenever possible.
· Engage critically with the relevant body of knowledge .
> Doing things seriously if needed but I try not to make it too dull.
> Learning something by talking to others
· Work within a given time frame .
>Still not very good at this, but I still try to complete my tasks.
· Contribute to group activities, i.e. seminars, critiques etc .
>Giving opinions or ideas when possible.
> I try to help out friends who don't understand well.
>Talk and have fun within group activities.
· Work safely in studios and workshops with a knowledge and practical understanding of health and safety issue .
> Being careful of things that I use that may be hazardous to health.
> Using sharp tools, like knifes carefully.
Listening to other conversations in public
During my Chinese new year break, I went to an island in my hometown(Kota Kinabalu). I sat around the beach and I listened to a conversation between a few guys and girls next to me.
They were talking about an Animation movie named FROZEN. The girls mostly chit-chatted about how the character is so pretty and funny. The guys pretty much just listen to their conversation. Until a girl sang out a short lyric of the movie.
Girl : '' Do you want to built a snowman ?'' (lyric)
Boy(boyfriend ,maybe) : ''Nop Nop Nop''
Girl looks at him with a glaring face and said : '' F**k you ''
Then the other guys and girl burst out laughing.
What I learned here.
Boys like to tease(maybe) girls that they know well.
People tend to say bad words around people they know.
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