Thursday 25 June 2015

Modeling a car

This model of my car  is using only basic tools and geometry to model.

Started off with basic sketch of my car 

Quick trace using AI

Started off using a cube to model my car

Using extrude and extruding the face to model my car

Using differences I added simple front detail

After that, I added tires using the cylinder polygon and aligned them using the attribute editor

I modeled the top area next using a cube polygon

Using differences tool, I shaped the top part of the car and made mirrors for it.

A simple and almost-finished model of my car

Added simple colors to my car

Animating my Car
First I freeze the transformation then i parent the tires to the car

I then make a key frame on the 1st frame as the start

Then, I selected the last frame and moved the car foward and rotated the tires. After that, I created a key frame on the last frame.

The result of the experiment using software renderer

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