Monday, 23 March 2015


                 The story starts when the Repchinese sent an ambassador to meet the Sultan of the Furmalays to discuss politics and peace. A Chinese messenger was first sent to inform of the ambassador’s arrival. Laksamana Jahat was one of the first to receive the message as he was in the charge of one of the frontline territory. He decided it is a perfect oppotunity to break the cease fire treaty

                 The next morning, back at the Furmalay’s capital city, some Laksamanas was called back to the capital, Jahat being one of them. They were being called back to tighten the security of the capital and the Sultan. At Around noon, the Repchinese ambassador along with a number of Repchinese guards arrived at the capital. The citizens of the capital were uneasy of their arrival, even when the guards of the capital kept close watch on them. As the Repchinese marched towards the sultan’s castle, Jahat was assessing the strength of the guards. The guards are of elite rank and with this amount of guards he is surely going to need someone to help him with his scheme.

                 Hang Rimau, who was one of the top laksamanas of the Furmalays was just patrolling outside the city. Hang Rimau is brave and loyal, but his weakness is that he puts a lot of trust in his friends. Jahat saw this chance to manipulate him into thinking that it was an assassination attempt on the Sultan at midnight. After being told of the attempt, Hang Rimau was curious on how did he know of such attempt and asked series of questions but Jahat, using his cunning mind answered them with convincing answers which has almost no arguable points. In the end, Hang Rimau agreed to work together to disrupt the plan Jahat then told him to wait for him by the castle entrance until he has come up with a plan.

                 It was almost night time, Hang Rimau waited patiently for Jahat’s return almost to the point of thinking that his friend had been caught until Jahat suddenly appeared behind him. Hang Rimau startled, but at the same time relieved to see him. Jahat apologized for scaring him and told him that the ambassador’s room was at the top guess room of the castle. He also told him that the security was very tight, but he is familiar with the castle’s layout and know of a secret passage to the ambassadors room. The plan was simple, Jahat will distract the guards while Hang Rimau takes the secret passage to the ambassadors room and kill him. Hang Rimau heard this and did not like the plan to kill but wanted to capture so the ambassador will admit his crimes. Jahat grunted for a moment, and agreed to capture instead. As Hang Rimau went ahead on the plan, Jahat gave an evil grind behind Hang Rimau and went to distract the guards.
                     Hang Rimau proceeded stealthily as Jahat lured more and more guards away from Hang Rimau’s position. He finally reached the secret passage and entered it, the passage was quite narrow and dark which is hard to see where he is heading. Unknowingly, Hang Rimau tripped and fell breaking the entrance at the other end of the passage, into the ambassador’s room. Immediately, the ambassador grabbed his spear and gave a downward blow. With quick reflexes, Hang Rimau dodged the blow with a side roll. Hang Rimau got up at quickly drew his Kris and the two was locked in a dreadful combat. The battle took quite a while and Hang Rimau was victorious as he managed to knock the ambassador unconscious. Hang Rimau was absolutely tired from that battle when suddently the door flung open. There standing was a dark figure, it was Jahat with his Kris drawn and soaked with blood, his face with an evil expression. Jahat lunged at the unconscious ambassador, Hang Rimau knowing that he lied about his agreement stopped the blow in time. Hang Rimau tried to reason with Jahat but got no answer, instead Jahat attacked Hang Rimau instead. Hang Rimau was already weary fighting the ambassador, he was barely able to evade and block Jahats attacks. Hang Rimau fell as the last of his strength was used up, Jahat was about to land the final blow when luckily the Sultan and his guards arrived and stopped Jahat in time.

                         Hang Rimau told the Sultan of the assassination attempt but the sultan told Hang Rimau there was never such an attempt and said that they became good friends from previous political discussions. Hang Rimau was ashamed of his actions as he was tricked by Jahat. Jahat was bursting in rage as he is unable to kill the ambassador, he was chained and taken to prison as he has clearly lost his mind. Hang Rimau put down his Kris and kneel infront of the Sultan begging for forgiveness. Hang Rimau is sure that he will be stripped of his rank and sent to prison or executed. But, the sultan did not do so, he simply forgive Hang Rimau without consequences. Hang Rimau asked why and the sultan replied that Hang Rimau like a son to him and has never been disappointed in him. Hang Rimau shed a tear and promise that such mistake would never happen again.

                           In the end, Hang Rimau apologized to the ambassador as they return to the repchinese capital. Jahat was stripped of his rank and was sentenced to prison for the rest of his life. The Furmalays and Repchinese established peace a few months later and both sides prospered the everlasting peace.


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