Saturday, 24 December 2016

Analyzing the PSA

I then take parts of the video to make a story line 


Part 1

-          The story teller/singer is a Nigerian
-          Part of the content of this script is “not to see race”
-          This is typical people perception
-           The focus point is the people surroundings give the perspective on labels.(racist)

Part 2

-          The story tells us that, during our young age we are forced to learn the labels and we learned them without ever questioning why.
-          The labels never describe people
-          Skin color never describe people
-          People are always judging others using these labels and people had gotten so used to it that it is hard to change

Part 3

-          The singer explains that our bodies are like cars that we control and do our daily task with.
-          In terms of cars, our cars(bodies) are label as different “editions”
-          We cannot change our bodies because we are born with it.
-          Who we are is found in our personality, not our body.

Part 4
-          This script say that science has already proven that we are the same species and race never existed in the 1st place
-          The singer tells us people in the past (15th cent) created race to divide people and was so effective that it still exist until now.

Part 5
-          This part of the script says that if labels have never existed, the world would be at peace and people would ever have called others black or white.
-          We have been blinded from the truth of a person because of labels.
-          Because of labels, we judge based on what we think.
-          The singer says, if you let labels control you, then you are hurting, trapping and confining yourself from others.

Part 6
-          This section of the script tells us that because of these labels, we had become separated ad because of that, conflict will occur.
-          Because of conflict, war breaks out.
-          The singer says that ever war was started because of these labels.
-          Every – ism was created because of labels
-          All these –ism problems would easily disappear if the labels are eliminated

Part 7
-          The scripts tells us that we are never born as a racist
-          As babies, no matter the color or culture they would care for one another.
-          The singer tells us that his message would probably be ignored by half of the population because they cannot accept it.

Part 8
-          The singer describes us as caterpillars and the labels are our shell.
-          We must break free from labels to become a butterfly
-          We are never bounded by labels and are meant to be free

-          Changes can only happen within yourself

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