Monday 14 April 2014

Describing an Advertisement ( Group )

Task 7

Form a group of 2 and pick 5 advertisements from newspaper or magazine and interpret them

Group members :

Reynard (me)


Title : La Cremeria
Subject is about the Nice delicious ice cream
Typograpy is gold in color (monotype corsiva font)
Black background highlighting the gold bright colors

Title :  Game On
Subject is about soccer shoes (shoes for different classes like defender or striker)
Soft color to darker color background

Title : ACER
Subject for advertisements are electronic devices (laptops and  tablets)
Cost effective black and white with little color ( green )

Title : Samsung Galaxy note 3
Subject is about a Phone
Soft skyblue color as background color

Title : 4G for All
Typography in a customed orange font and has outline
Large typo to attract attention

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