Thursday, 15 January 2015

Anatomy of typography(crit thinkin)

The basic typographic element is called a character, which is any individual letter, numeral, or punctuation mark. The capital letters are called caps, or uppercase  characters. Small letters are called lowercase characters. Numbers are called numerals or figures.

Special characters

These characters are called Math Signs and is commonly used in mathematics

These are punctuation marks it is commonly used to quote or express the sentence or word

Character components

Typographic characters have basic parts. The easiest way to differentiate characteristics of type designs is by comparing the structure of these components.

Anatomy of a Typeface

  • ApertureAperture

    Opening at the end of an open counter.
  • ArmArm

    A horizontal stroke not connected on one or both ends.
  • AscenderAscender

    An upward vertical stroke found on lowercase letters that extends above the typeface’s x-height.
  • BaselineBaseline

    The invisible line where letters sit.
  • BowlBowl

    A curved stroke that encloses a letter’s counter.
  • CounterCounter

    Fully or partially enclosed space within a letter.
  • CrossbarCrossbar

    A horizontal stroke.
  • DescenderDescender

    A downward vertical stroke found on lowercase letters that extends below the baseline.
  • Diagonal StrokeDiagonal Stroke

    An angled stroke.
  • EarEar

    A small stroke projecting from the upper right bowl of some lowercase g’s.
  • FinialFinial

    A tapered or curved end.
  • HairlineHairline

    The thin strokes of a serif typeface.
  • LigatureLigature

    Two or more letters are joined together to form one glyph.
  • LinkLink

    A stroke that connects the top and bottom bowls of lowercase double-story g’s.
  • LoopLoop

    The enclosed or partially enclosed counter below the baseline of a double-story g.
  • LowercaseLowercase

    The smaller form of letters in a typeface.
  • SerifSerif

    “Feet” or non-structural details at the ends of some strokes.
  • ShoulderShoulder

    A curved stroke originating from a stem.
  • Small CapsSmall Caps

    Uppercase characters that appear as a smaller size than the capital height of a typeface. Short for “small capitals”.
  • SpineSpine

    The main curved stroke for a capital and lowercase s.
  • SpurSpur

    A small projection from a curved stroke.
  • StemStem

    Primary vertical stroke.
  • TailTail

    A descending stroke, often decorative.
  • TerminalTerminal

    The end of a stroke that lacks a serif.
  • UppercaseUppercase

    A letter or group of letters of the size and form generally used to begin sentences and proper nouns. Also known as “capital letters”.
  • x-heightx-height

    The height of the main body of a lowercase letter.

methamorphosis (crit thinking)

In this task we are to find 2 objects 1 nature and 1 man made and transform it into something different. I used a stone and a sharp stick glued with a cloth clip.

Arrow and feather pen with ink bottle

Rocket, sword and shield