We are tasked to do a research about culture, food, history and such in Mantin. Our group members agreed to do a research about hakka village. The hakka village in mantin has a very small and narrow road. It is quite hard to navigate inside the village and the junctions are confusing. We ended up in a dead end and decided to do our research in the houses here.The houses there was made of wood and is clearly very old. We knocked on one of the houses and there was an old lady who greeted us.
Picture of the old lady
Our group and the insides of the house
We talked and asked alot about their history. Their history dates way back to 1860 when they are brought in from China by the British. She also says that most of the people in the village is from Hui Zhou, China and had lived in hakka village in a simple and peaceful life. Also, we asked about the bird cages and birds which seems to be everywhere around the house and almost around Every house. She said that the birds are grown to fight in an arena much like a chicken fight betting. She told us Hakka village also had a school and a temple which stood for 100 or more years now and with those many years the villages now consist mostly of elder people and their children already left for urban areas.
An old picture of a school and the students.
After asking a couple of questions we thanked the old lady for her kind hospitality and left. Hakka village doesn't seem to have any shops around and we dint get to taste any food there.